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Heart Song Literary Agency
right for you?


Heart Song Literary Agency is interested in serving unpublished authors (and published authors without an agent) of sweet romance, cozy mysteries, (think Hallmark) and young adult categories. We will also consider a wide range of decent fiction and nonfiction contributions. It is Patricia’s passion to encourage writers in all phases of their journey. To that end, Heart Song Literary Agency is a full service agency providing honest, dedicated, and genuine service for aspiring and published authors. If your work is not accepted, we offer additional consulting and referrals to further your publishing goals. We also provide comprehensive editing services at competitive rates.


Our core strength is representing inspirational fiction (including clean reads) and non-fiction books for adults. We do not market short fiction, screenplays, scripts, poetry, or magazine articles. We represent most genres in inspirational or commercial fiction. We are probably not the right agency to market your literary fiction, nor do we represent books that contain extraordinary violence, unnecessary profanity, or gratuitous sexuality.

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